Wasn't it a treat to see Shinra and Selty's free time together? Shinra suggested they go shopping together but Selty decided to cook for him instead. Would you refuse if a headless moe character decided to cook for you? I didn't think so. Anyway, Selty goes on "Yohoo" to find a recipe and went grocery shopping to get the ingredients. The scene where it showed her driving home with a bag of leeks was just adorable! My prediction is that Selty will win the 2010 Saimoe Tournament. Yes, you heard it here first. ^^

Later on during the episode, they decided to grab a bite at the famous Russia Sushi joint. I'm personally not a fan of sushi, and you might call me a weirdo, but I would actually eat these sushi! From left to right: fried-chiken sushi, cheese sushi, mabou sushi, Borsht sushi, and sour-cream sushi! Cheese and sour-cream is questionable but the others don't sound too bad. XD
Sorry back to the anime... the Russia Sushi joint is so cheap their dessert is fortune cookie. Selty becomes extremely happy with her "you will find it" fortune. Shinra's on the other hand can be translated to something like "unrequited love", which he swallows fast when Selty asked what was written on it. ^^;
Plot wise, this episode revealed that Harima is actually wearing Selty's head! I knew it! So where is Harima's real head? My speculation would be that Seiji's sister is wearing Harima's real head, and the one in the tank is Seiji's sister's but it's hard to tell because.... well, when the brain (head) and the heart (body) is separated the true identity gets lost. Which body part is the most important when falling in love? Ugh, I'm not gonna' even go there and let them screw with my mind.
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