EPISODE 4 - "Ring Side Love"

a bit weary.
Kousaku suddenly has the urge to join the boxing club to feel more 'manly'. Pretty soon he finds out that the manager of the boxing club, Rie Kawai (pic on the left), is a beautiful girl. He starts having a crush on her and Hibari starts getting jealous.
At first it seemed like Rie was interested in Kousaku.. but the truth is she is actually interested in Shiina. Hibari also joins the boxing club to interfere between them. The episode ends on a field trip train ride.
Luna: I'm always glad to see a new character into the mix. It's a also a treat to see Hibari getting jealous. This episode lacked comedy but it was still entertaining. ★★★★☆
Bones: Rie reminds me of Minami (Touch). That's an automatic plus from me. She seems like a really nice girl. Definitely curious of the new love-rectangle. ★★★★☆
EPISODE 5 - "A Taste of Tangerine is Disappointed Love?"

Provided with this perfect opportunity, each of them had their own motivation: Kousaku wanted to make a move towards Rie; Shiina towards Hibari; Rie towards Shiina; and Hibari wanted to help Rie hook up with Shiina. Hibari intentionally pushed Rie towards Shiina but there was a miscalculation, causing Rie to end up with Kousaku. Rie then confesses her lover accidentally to Kousaku. Rie is of course shocked but Hibari told her to keep quiet until she comes up with a plan.
Finally they arrive at their destination. They drank and partied all night, and Kousaku got really wasted. He lost control and almost revealed Hibari's gender to everyone, until he was knocked out by Hibari herself.
Later, Rie wanted to go into the bath but didn't want to go herself so she asked Hibari to come along. Of course, Hibari was hesitant to go in with her because she can't get naked in front of anyone... but then, Rie tells her that she can't see anything without her contacts. So Hibari changed her mind and goes with her. And the obligatory "let's go take a peek" by the guys pursued. To make this short, Kousaku gets caught by the girls and Rie shouts "Kousaku you dumb ass! My confession was meant for Shiina!".
After several more mix-ups, the episode ends on Shiina shouting "I'm not interested in Rie! I like Hibari!", which Rie heard and she breaks down into to tears. Rie quits her manager position for the boxing team. Bye-bye Rie.
Luna: This episode was somewhat boring. It lacked their trademark outrageous comedy and the situation setup seemed too generic even for gag-comedy. ★★☆☆☆
Bones: I liked how it showed us that even Hibari can be jealous. Maybe Hibari is really falling for Kousaku. I was hoping that Rie would stick around longer, though. ★★☆☆☆
EPISODE 6 - "Ah! Romeo and Juliet"

Both dads don't approve of their relationship. Hibari then suggests them to pretend suicide like Romeo and Juliet. To make this short, Gunta ditches Tsubami and gets married with another girl.
Luna: Automatic star for putting the spotlight on Tsubami. There was plenty of typical "Hibari-kun" humor that made me fall in love with this series in the first place. ★★★★☆
Bones: A pretty fun Romeo and Juliet episode, Hibari-kun style. There were some good funny moments in this episode but this is also a proof that their strength lies within Hibari. Therefore: ★★★☆☆
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