I really love this series but importing the whole set was just a bit too much.. until now. I got this whole set plus a collector's box (which gave me an extra volume 1. Oh, well) for about 4000 yen (around $45 or so? Not sure of the exact conversion rate) through Yahoo Japan Auction. These standalone discs were used by a rental service places such as Blockbuster Video. Well, with internet streaming and services like Netflix becoming popular, those services are slowly starting to fade. Which means? People are trying to sell their leftover DVDs at an extremely discounted prices!
If you have any anime title that weren't licensed outside of Japan but always wanted, well, now is the time! Take at look at Yahoo Japan Auction and you might find bargains like I did with Petopeto-san.

Thanks for checking out my latest purchase. Definitely check out Petopeto-san, especially if you are into Japanese mythology creatures like kappa, nurikabe, and other youkais. Except they aren't scary in this one. They're absolutely adorable! The story is really good too, which contains a subtle theme of discrimination. I might decide to post the disc contents at a later time.
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