And the brother complex continues with Namie Yagiri, Seiji's sister. I personally think she is the most twisted and intense in this matter compared to Satsuki (Hanamaru Kindergarten) and Akira Yoshii (Baka Test). This episode was probably one of my least favorite of the series since Namie and Seiji left little impact on me, even with the...
freaky revelation of Harima Mika's murder. With a cast of this size, it's prone to having a few unlikable characters, and these two are it, at least for now.

As for Izaya, it is probably as I suspected: he is some type of 'puppetmaster' if you will, manipulating situations and events around him like it's his own Ikebukuro chess game. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the creator of the so-called Dollars, but unfortunately, I still don't have a full grasp of the meaning of their existence and what they stand for. To tell you the truth, the hunch that I am getting is that almost everyone is involved in Dollars, but again, I have no idea what that exactly means.
Another reason why I felt this episode was a tad disappointing is because Shizuo's presence felt a little underwhelming. I guess this is thanks to how pathetic Seiji is. Attacking with a pen? Really? Come on! He's a supposed killer, he should be carrying a weapon of some sort, even a metal fork would have more impact than a damn pen. ^^; This is why Shizuo x Izaya time is so precious.
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