Episode Title: "First Snow"
Wow! This episode was mainly just conversation after another but it was certainly one of my favorites, thanks to the way they animated the important scenes. It's the details like the...
fog breath, pretty effects, the shooting star, and the fade away effect of the lights on the tree. It was absolutely stunningly gorgeous.

I haven't read the manga yet but I'm almost certain this anime adaptation brings more life to the original material. I was skeptical with Production I.G. doing shoujo at first, but now I know that we can trust them to do another. We need more high caliber shoujo anime like this one to gain popularity.

As for this episode, it was all about Chizu, Tooru, and Ryu. Chizu is now one of my favorite character, possibly even more than Kazehaya or Sawako, all thanks to her wonderful arc. I was hoping Chizu would hook up with Ryu in the anime but I guess I'll have to read the manga to find out. Or maybe there will be a second season of Kim Ni Todoke! I hope so. ^^

I must say Ryu has been really difficult to read and predict. I really had no clue what he was feeling after the previous episode, and what he was going to do in this episode. At the end of the previous episode, I thought he had invited Kazehaya to eat those sandwiches that he got from Chizu, but as we saw in this episode, he actually invited Tooru to come back. What a sweetheart. Ryu might be hard to read but it's clear that he cares so much for Chizu, and he has nothing but good intention for others.
The next episode is the Christmas episode. Wow, that should be really good. I can't wait!
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