This blog is faily new so the real blogging will begin from episode 6. For now, main character introduction up to this point. (Partially copied from Wiki. Left out much spoilers as possible).

Yuuto's parents died in a car accident when he was young, causing him to fall into a state of depression. It was only through the care and help of his childhood friend, Rinko, that brought him out of his depression. On the day of his 16th birthday, Yuuto meets Himari, a katana-wielding girl at his school. Himari is actually a cat spirit and descendant of a clan of spirit that have served the Amakawa for many generations, and it is her duty to now protect Yuuto. This is complicated however by the fact that Yuuto has an allergy to cats that cause his eyes to water and his nose to run.

Himari is a white cat demon that played with Yuuto during his childhood when he stayed at his grandparents house. She can change her form from human to cat, even halfway, having a human body but with distinctive cat features. Himari has loved Yuuto since his childhood and she often flirts with him. Himari forms a stronger bond with Yuuto after he remembers his time in the past with her. If she loses her sanity in battle, Himari can turn into an uncontrollable bloodlust human-devouring demon cat.

Shizuku is a Mizuchi (Water dragon demon) in the form of a short, green-haired small girl with snake tongue that can stretch rather far, similar to that of a chameleon, and can breath underwater. Shizuku usually has a stoic expression, and is almost always completely soaked with water. However, her stoic expression can quickly change to that of a insane grin when her desire to kill emerges. She first meets Yuuto at a river, where she warns Yuuto that if he continues to go along with his demon slayer heritage, she would kill him. To make sure of this she invites herself to live in Yuuto's house and starts to like him romantically. On numerous occasions takes opportunities to flirt with him in front of others. She often ends her sentence with "nano" (なの).

Rinko is the tomboyish childhood friend of Yuuto (when he lived with his parents). Rinko cried with Yuuto when his parents died, and she helped him out of his depression. She has a crush on Yuuto and was quite comfortable in that position until the other girls started to flirt with him. She feels incredibly jealous towards most of the girls who flirt with Yuuto because of an inferiority complex from their well-endowed breasts. She always ruins every romantic/ecchi mood between Yuuto and other girls and always ends up hitting Yuuto in the head/face with her fist or what ever she can get her hands on to knock him down to the ground in most cases, despite the fact he had nothing to do with it. The only time she doesn't do so, is when she joins in.

Lizlet works in a tea cafe as a waitress. She is a tsukumogami, an inanimate object that came to life after a hundred years. She has the appearance of a busty young girl with maid outfit, but her true body is an antique tea cup that the tea café's owner bought in England. When she meets Yuuto at her workplace, she believed that he was some kind of exorcist, and that he was trying to kill her, so, in a panic, she added poison into Yuuto's tea. The plan was foiled by Shizuku. Himari then attacks her and she was soon able to find Liz's real body, and as Liz was trying to get it back, Himari dropped it, but Yuuto was able to catch it and save Liz. After the misunderstanding was cleared, Liz began taking a liking to Yuuto and sees him as her "Special Customer". She also has a strong desire to serve him a cup of Milk Tea, where every time she says so she hugs her breasts, suggesting she means her breast milk.

Introduced at the very end of episode 5. Stay tuned!
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