I'm glad to see the emotional rawness of Kimi Ni Todoke return. They flesh out character emotions (Chizu in this episode) so delicately in a way that also manages to satisfy. I felt the previous episode was...
lacking in this regard but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.
lacking in this regard but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

The bond between Chizu, Ayane, and Sawako is absolutely authentic as we have been seeing time and time again, and yet again in this episode. Sawako and Ayane are feeling gloomy because they want to somehow comfort Chizu but they're not sure how. (Nice try Ayane but no one can beat Sawako's gloomy look.) What would you do if you were in their shoes? Me, personally, I would be more straightforward and tell Chizu that I'll always be there if she needs me.

Sonde ippai sune sasete yaro-ne."
Loose translation: "When Chizu comes crying to us, let's give her attention. And then comfort her while she let's it all out."
How sweet. ; ; Now for Ryu, I'm very aware of the fact that his lack of openness is one of his traits but I'm beginning to wonder how long this will drag on. I love his straightforwardness but it's difficult to tolerate his incapability of expressing his inner feeling for Chizu. Or maybe he is just waiting for the right time. I don't know.. What do you think?

Remember that note? Well, Sawako couldn't take it anymore and started to break down in tears, which triggered a domino effect and Chizu also finally broke down! Yay! Sometimes it's just not healthy bottling up all your emotions inside. Chizu let's it all out and goes back to being her usual self... from what I can tell anyway. But this ain't over yet because I still don't know how Ryu is feeling. What do you think Ryu is feeling now?
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