The first half focused on a trip to Tsuchida and Sakura's hometown. Everyone went including Yamamoto-sensei who was invited by Sakura and Anzu. It all started with a...
harem train ride for Tsuchida surrounded by all girls.

They soon arrive at Tsuchida's house where we get to meet his parents. His mother jumps the gun and assumes Yamamoto is his bride to be. Hehe. I really want to see Tsuchida hook up with Yamamoto... but that's probably not going to happen. His parents are really nice as well and Yamamoto would be more than welcomed into the

On the second day, they visit Sakura and Tsuchida's special spot called Urakawa River. This is supposedly where they use to hang out a lot during high school days. Once there, Tsuchida and Sakura get nostalgic and starts having a discussio

They are at

It's night time and they head back to Tsuchida's house, and Satsuki has prepared a nice Italian feast for them. One of the dish she made is one of my favorite, gnocchi! Satsuki wanted to show off her award she won for cooking but Tsuchida has not paid attention to her since they arrived. So she was hoping to get recognition through her cooking. But instead, Tsuchida couldn't guess who prepared the meal.. which lead to Satsuki becoming angry at him. "Onii-chan no baka!!"

Anyway, for the anime, the spotlight was on Satsuki and her brother complex. I was worried that they would make her brother complex too intense but it wasn't here. In fact, I love how this series manages to blend in just the perfect amount of things, whether it be fan-service or Satsuki's brother complex -- nothing seems overpowering.

Everyone was so adorable in their yukata! ^^ I'm also beginning to like Satsuki, too. This episode wasn't my favorite but it was definitely nostalgic, which is enough to have a special place in my heart.
With about 5 anime episodes left, I am starting to get really sad about this series' end. I just hope they will find a good way to finish this enjoyable slice-of-life series. I guess I'm being selfish.. but at least I can start the manga when this is done! ^^ Now I shall end this impression with a picture of the firework scene:

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