Episode Title: "Christmas"
Only 2 more episodes to go and Kimi Ni Todoke is going out with a bang. The previous episode was absolutely gorgeous and it continues here by capturing the winter atmosphere perfectly. They certainly managed to...
make me believe that it's Christmas time even though, in reality, it's March. ^^;

In this episode, Sawako struggles to make up her mind between spending Christmas time with her parents or with her peers. She chooses her parents and I don't blame her because family should come first. I feel the need to mention how much I've come to love Sawako's parents, especially her dad. Although, Kazehaya + Sawako time is what we probably crave the most, the highlight of this episode was their family bond, at least for me anyway.

But, of course, Kazehaya + Sawako moment was
almost equally as good. Sawako received her first cellphone as a Christmas gift from her dad and Kazehaya gives Sawako a cellphone strap. Is this some bizarre coincidence? Perhaps, but I think this can also be seen as a sign that both Kazehaya and her dad care about her on the same level. A sign that Kazehaya is a
compliment (cellsphone strap) to not only Sawako but to her mom and dad (the actual cellphone). Or it could be that I'm over analyzing this a bit too much. XD Regardless, another wonderful episode and the last two should be unforgettable. I can't wait!
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