We are here! The final episode of So-ra-no-wo-to. Will a war break out and end with some sort of apocalypse? What will Takemizukachi be used for? Will the Fire Maidens unleash their mahou shoujo power and somehow bring peace to the world? Will people be able to tolerate Kanata's trumpet skill? What is going to happen? Read more to find out:
I can say this last episode was satisfying. I was expecting Rio to come save the day but I didn't feel at ease until the end because this series is known for throwing curve balls. They really did a great job of maintaining suspense throughout this entire episode, at least for me. Things could have gone wrong at any second and I was constantly feeling nervous for the worse: like, I thought maybe Kanata was going to get shot during her touching final performance of "Amazing Grace", and I thought there were going to be several casualties when this was all over. But thankfully, nobody got seriously hurt, except for Aisha who got shot on the side of her stomach, and it all ended on a happy note.
There were also quite a few touching moments: the first is the bond between Noel and Aisha. It was touching to see two opposing people come to a realization that they are not so much different, after all. Second is Kanata's performance of "Amazing Grace" on top of Takemikazuchi, while the sun was rising in the background. Remember the first time we saw Kanata play her trumpet? She really has come a long way since then and her performance here was absolutely rewarding.

Final Thoughts?
There were definitely ups and downs for this series, but I guess what matters the most is the entertainment value, which I think they have succeeded on. Sure, the concept and direction was difficult to grasp at times but, I truly think, that became part of their advantage to keep the audience coming back for more. I sure fell for it. ^^; Am I glad to have watched the entire series? Definitely. Did I love it enough to purchase the DVD/BD of this particular series? I'll have to say "maybe not the entire series but maybe the volume for episode 6 and 7. Also, I enjoyed it enough to consider buying the volume with the bonus episode 13, purely out of curiosity." One thing I won't hesitate to purchase is a Rio figure, especially if it's in her Princess attire.
In summary, the series' strong points, in my opinion:
- The soundtrack. Although, I'm not particularly fond of the opening. Ending song I love, even if it was conflicting with certain episodes at times.
- Lovely detailed backgrounds that are inviting, which would make any slice-of-life title jealous.
- Sense of playfulness that kept the viewers guessing until the end; although this same playfulness came off as questionable at times.
- The chemistry of characters worked well, I thought. Although their personality might be considered stereotypical. But who cares?
- Episode 6 and 7 were my favorites of the series.
- One word: Rio.
Thanks for the enjoyment So-ra-no-wo-to! Now that we have an idea of what Anime No Chikara is about, I am looking forward to "Senkou No Night Raid," which will take over the SoraWoto spot.
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