Episode Title: "The Thoughts of a Cat & the Melancholy of a Magical Girl"
The episode began with the crew doing research on Kuesu. As you can see from the pic on the left, Shizuku can even type with her tongue. How neat. Their method of research? The search engine, of course! It basically continues what they do best for the first half of the episode...
fan-service, which I will cover down below for all you ecchi fans. (Yes, along with pics. Heh).
This series continues to entertain me, although not with quality. What I'm entertained by is that it seems like they are being ridiculous on purpose! It's things like the cheesy BGM that doesn't fit the mood of a particular scene, unnecessary echo effect added when Kuesu screamed in this episode, that kind of things. Am I the only who is reminded of "Chocolate Rain" when I hear the OP? ROFL
The second half showed Himari Vs. Kuesu. As you should know by now, Kuesu is a magic user. But this episode informs us that she uses a gun! Himari had no chance against Kuesu... up until Kuesu decided to force Himari into her Berserk mode by shooting her right arm. (Erotic transformation scene below).
The episode ends with Himari back at the house. It looks like she's in a pretty bad shape.
Okay, now I'll post the ecchi pics for all you fans out there. I think they are slowly raising the bar with each episode but I'm no expert so don't ask me. Heh.
fan-service, which I will cover down below for all you ecchi fans. (Yes, along with pics. Heh).
This series continues to entertain me, although not with quality. What I'm entertained by is that it seems like they are being ridiculous on purpose! It's things like the cheesy BGM that doesn't fit the mood of a particular scene, unnecessary echo effect added when Kuesu screamed in this episode, that kind of things. Am I the only who is reminded of "Chocolate Rain" when I hear the OP? ROFL
The second half showed Himari Vs. Kuesu. As you should know by now, Kuesu is a magic user. But this episode informs us that she uses a gun! Himari had no chance against Kuesu... up until Kuesu decided to force Himari into her Berserk mode by shooting her right arm. (Erotic transformation scene below).
What the hell? What is that liquid substance running down her thighs and face? On second thought, I don't want to know. LOL. But during this scene Kuesu did comment this: "oh, dear, it looks like you went". Whhhat? Okay, moving on... After Himari goes Berserk, she goes in to attack Kuesu but suddenly.. she remembers Yuuto and how he doesn't want all this fighting. So she stops and evacuates instead. I think Himari would have torn her apart because Kuesu's hands were shaking.
The episode ends with Himari back at the house. It looks like she's in a pretty bad shape.
Okay, now I'll post the ecchi pics for all you fans out there. I think they are slowly raising the bar with each episode but I'm no expert so don't ask me. Heh.
Yes, that's her tongue. And that's a popsicle.
The ending for this episode was different than usual. The animation seems the same but what's different is that Himari's voice actor Ami Koshimizu does a solo song performance. I have to say I prefer the song with all of them together but it's great for Himari fans.
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